Monday, November 13, 2006

Hopes & Dreams...or Blood, Sweat, & Tears?

I grew up constantly hearing the over-rated phrase, "Knowledge is Power". It wasn't until I took high school physics that I realized that the statement wasn't exactly true. It was missing a very important element. Knowledge can be described as Potential Energy. Energy that is stored, sitting, waiting to be put to use. But, until it is put into motion, it remains idle. It is only when Knowledge is acted upon or put into action, like putting Potential Energy into motion, does Knowledge become Power or Kinetic Energy or Energy in Motion. Merideth's article below, illustrates the point very well.

I saw this post in the Home Based Business forum this afternoon and it got me thinking (surprise surprise!):
2 months back, I ate in a local chinese restaurent and found this message from the fortune cookie. "It is the hope and dreams we have that make us great"

Right after seeing this message, I started to relate this to the movie [sic The Secret]. What do you guys think?

Personally, I think this is a great quote, but one that is missing a pretty vital component...the one thing I would add to it is that, while hopes and dreams can greatly inspire us, it is the action and the commitment to achieve those dreams that truly make us great. You can sit around each and every day dreaming of a million dollar paycheck and want it with all your heart, but you will never actually get it unless you take action.

That is a huge component of personal development and wealth generation that people often miss or choose to skip over. One of the things I look for when I'm interviewing prospects is if they are people of action who are not content to wait for life to hand them the apple. They're going to do whatever it takes to climb up the tree, pick that apple, and savor each and every bite of it. Then they are going to do it again. I have actually turned people away who go on and on about how much they want that apple but expect me to climb up there for them and lower a rope ladder. True success doesn't work that way - it has to be earned. And trust me when I say that success is so much sweeter when you know you are the one who earned it.

Yours in Greater Success,

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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Network Marketing, The Business Model

By Bruce Bailey

Tip! Avoid Network Marketing groups that offer commission-based compensation among distributors. There is a big possibility that it is an illegal pyramid.

Network marketing is a multi-billion dollar business. As a business model, it is taught in major universities around the world. The Wall Street Journal stated, ��between 50% and 65% of all goods and services sold in this millennium will be through network marketing.� It is a business model that is perfectly suited to the �information age.�

What is this �Business Model?�
Network marketing is a way of doing business that is different from the �traditional� model used by most consumer packaged goods, food and drug companies. It is one of the most promising income opportunities in American today. It is the idea of many people each doing a little work, as opposed to a few people doing a lot of work. To quote J. Paul Getty, the world's first billionaire, �I'd rather have 1% of the efforts of 100 people than 100% of my own.�

Tip! Find each individual's personal strength. Many times, the network marketing industry is so focused on duplication that we forget the fact that each individual brings a unique set of skills, strengths, and experiences.

Rather than using the customary distribution process of moving products from manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer, network marketing companies use a network of independent marketers to move products directly from the manufacturer to the consumer. Further, the cost structure of a network marketing organization is different than a traditional packaged goods marketer.

With a traditional company, millions of dollars are spent on advertising to entice consumers to buy that company's products instead of the virtually identical product from another company. With a network company, the advertising expense is channeled into sales commissions for distributors who promote the product through �word-of-mouth� advertising, i.e. by telling other people about the product. In the traditional business model, money is spent BEFORE the sale in the form of advertising; in the network marketing model, the money is paid AFTER the sale in the form of commissions. Which model seems to make the most sense from a business standpoint?

With network marketing, you have two sources of income: (1) direct commissions from sales you make yourself, and (2) commissions from sales made by people you introduce to the business, called residual income. You can invest your time and money once and get paid multiple times for the effort. It means getting paid for the work of others. In traditional sales, you may be a great salesperson and have a few dozen good customers and earn your income from all their purchases. However, you probably have to nurture these customers and spend most of your working time making sure they are buying from you and not someone else.

Tip! Understand What Motivates the Prospect � Any prospect will be inclined to join network marketing business only in the hope of meeting his unfulfilled desires. He may be looking for financial security, additional income, freedom from daily grind, business ownership and so on.

In network marketing, you can build a downline of 100, 1,000, or even 10,000 people, most of whom you will not know nor ever have contact with. This is because the majority of the people in your downline will be people who know somebody, who know somebody, who know somebody, who know you. By having a downline that is working with you, and for you, you can multiply your efforts many times. The earning potential of a downline of 1,000 people, each putting in only one hour a day five days a week, represents 20,000 hours of work in a month. It would take one person 10 years to produce the same amount of work. That's the power of a network.

Tip! Use your products regularly. This is Number 1 for a reason, this is the most ignored part of ANY network marketing business.

Perhaps Robert T. Kiyosaki, author of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series, said it best. �The richest people in the world look for networks. Everyone else looks for work.�

It is estimated that more than 50,000 people start a home-based business every week in the United States. The average person owning a home-based business earns more than $50,000 a year (often working part-time), while the national average annual household income is less than $45,000 (and most of those people are working at least 40 hours per week). Additionally, a home-based business owner can qualify for many legitimate tax breaks, and tax experts suggest that the average person can save between $2,000 and $10,000 on taxes every year just by starting a home-based business.

Tip! Work from the inside out. To succeed in network marketing it is imperative that you devote some time to self development.

How is this possible? Well, consider these two tax structures: a wage earner first earns income, then pays tax on that income, and then pays for expenses with after-tax income. A business owner first earns income, then pays for expenses, and then pays tax on net income after expenses. In other words, a business owner can legitimately reduce the amount of tax he or she has to pay because business expenses are paid with pre-tax income, not after-tax, income.

Network marketing is a $36 Billion industry in the United States. More than 20 per cent of the estimated one million millionaires in America today have earned their fortunes over the previous six years through network marketing. Worldwide, there are over 3.5 million millionaires, and more than 700,000 have made their millions via network marketing. Conservative estimates are that network marketing in America is creating 40 new millionaires every month from average people. This means that a person's greatest chance of financial success is through �networking.� Again, Robert Kiyosaki observed, �If I had it to do all over again, I would choose network marketing.�

Tip! As soon as you finish reading this, run out and buy Wave 4: Network Marketing in the 21st Century by Richard Poe. I don't know Richard Poe, but I do know that this book explains everything.

For people who are interested in starting a home-based business, supplementing their income, and providing greater security for retirement and for their children and grandchildren, network marketing is an obvious choice.

Bruce Bailey, Ph.D.

Dr. Bailey has transformed the incomes of scores of MLMers. His never-miss tactics have been used by thousands to turn their MLM dreams into realities! For FREE access to his e-course, visit

Discover How Anyone With Absolutely No Money Can Make A Fortune Online Without a Website

By B.A. Johnson

Tip! Now I'm going to tell you something that's going to make you think I'm nuts. Don't sell anything and you can make money online! I want you to focus in a totally different direction.

A quick and easy way to earn a fortune

Here's an amazing opportunity for you to make some money, even if you don't have a dime to your name. It's possible for you to start earning over $1,000 within the next 24 hours.

I am going to show you four easy steps you need to take now in order to get your share of the richest that awaits you.

I am taking about making money with affiliate programs, now I know you may have tried it in the pass to no avail or you may be trying it right now and you are a little disappointed because you haven't made any money yet.

Well the reason you haven't made any money is that you are doing it all wrong. If you are promoting the affiliate program directly on or offline using , magazines, classified ads, direct mail or online promotions you undoubtedly have been using the affiliate link that was given to you.

You were told in order to make money, you needed a website and have your affiliate link to it. Has it worked? You found out that banners don't work either. Those FFA sites, forget them, all they do is fill your email with spam. Don't waste your time with free classified sites. The lookers are only picking up your name and email address as a lead source to try and market their product and services to you.

Tip! Affiliate programs are connected with SEO and the amount of traffic you attract to your site. The more traffic you drive to your site the better chance you have to make money online through visitors clicking on advertisers' banners on your site.

Here's the problem why you haven't made any money, everyone that sees your affiliate link knows what you are trying to do and they will exchange your link with theirs and steal your commission. You need to take certain precaution to insure that you get paid and your link in not recognizable.

Stop marketing the product or service through the affiliate link, you can't make money this way. This article is design to give you the knowledge you need to totally turn your business around so that you will know how to start making a large chunk of money.

Below are the steps that will show you how to build a massive fortune online

Step One: Set up a ClickBank account if you haven't done so yet, you will need this account in order for your checks to be mailed to you. It's fast, easy and it free.

Tip! There are a lot of ways to make money online; you can sell a product or services. If you think you are good ion writing, you can start a freelance article-writing site.

Step Two: You need to join between three to five affiliate program that will pay you $20 or more per sell. If you are trying to promote anything below 50% commission, you are not going to see a big profit margin. I found two super site that you can check out to get you started. I must warn you, there is a lot of information on these sites and I suggest you read some of the articles they provide. and

Step Three: Once you determined which affiliate programs you are going to join, you need to mask your link, okay! what do I mean, simply this, you need to mask your affiliate link with a hosting domain. The reason you want to do this is to prevent your affiliate link from being recognized and having your commission stolen.

Tip! Everyday people are searching the net hoping to find a magic way to make money online. Only few are actually making some serious money online and the rest are struggling.

Someone can see the website you are trying to promote, eliminate your tracking code and can go there directly leaving you without a commission. So you need a hosting company to mast your affiliate link. A real good source I know of is
The fee is very cheap and you have this domain name for one year until you renew it.

Once you are established with your new domain name, go to the FAQ section. Go to the title "What is masking and how do I set up for my domain?" follow its instruction to mask your affiliate link. You may want to print this for the next time you set up a affiliate link. Now the way you are going to use your new domain name is explain below.

Tip! There are tons of ways to make money online but nothing matters if you don't know how to work it yourself. You must learn to master few simple skills and knowledge.

Step Four: Submit your domain name to all of the major search engines, just type in
"search engines submission" in your browser. The major one are: Google, Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, AllTheWeb, AOL Search; HotBot, Teoma, AltaVista, Gigablast; LookSmart, Lycos, MSN Search, Netscape Search & Open Directory. Do not pay anyone to do this, you can do it yourself. Don't submit to 100's of search engines, it is not necessary.

Start writing articles with good content. Your articles should be directed toward a niche market who would be interested in reading your articles, not to someone interested in selling shoes. If you don't know how to write articles, learn. Just do a search online and type in " How to write articles" or type in "Free articles" to get a good ideal how on how it's written, you are going to get a lot of information on this subject.

Tip! Start Slow! When you first start out trying to make money online, the internet is going to seem like a huge place with tons of information everywhere. You'll probably feel overwhelmed with an information overload! Don't let that happen.

Your articles will be submitted to Ezines and free websites that maintains them. I know I told you early that you can do this without cost, well you can but if you ever submitted articles before, then you know how tedious it can be.

I suggest you look online into a software program title " Article Submitter Pro" you will be able to submit your articles to 500 to 750 Ezines in a few hours compared to months trying to do it manually. Read about the reviews on this program, you will thank me for it.

Do not try to sell any product or service in your articles. People are reading your articles because of a problem they are trying to solve, the ideal of writing good articles is because you are going to plug in your domain name in your resource box. This is how your readers buy online and thus you making money through your domain. Your ClickBank account will track all of your earnings, so you will never have to worry about getting paid or cheated.

Tip! Bottom line: You CAN make money online if you are the type of person who is a self-starter and motivated to work toward your goals even when the going gets tough.

See, you haven't been doing this before. You only been concentrating on promoting the affiliate link and that is why you haven't made any money. By writing articles, you can sell anything online. You can sell for any company who has an online affiliate program.

Make Money Online In Just 5 Minutes! The Real Income, Ultimate Automated Cash Stream.

This is a great way to build your affiliate marketing business, if you really want to make enough to quit your job and make more than you ever dream, then check out:

Use these strategies to widen the appeal of your marketing and focus on writing good content that will solve a problem and then you will see your profits take off.

Ready to start making money? Go to step number one and don't put this article down until you complete all the steps. Do it NOW!

About The Author

Bobby Johnson is a financial planner/accountant and freelance writer who help build his client business by using marketing copywriting strategies that increases their marketing performance. You may email him at:

You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your e-book or on your website, free of charge, so long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include our resource box as listed above.

2 Ways To Market Your Network Marketing Business Opportunity Today

By Jeff Schuman

Tip! You give a two-hour network marketing presentation to a very interested couple and as soon as you finish, they want to show you *their* network marketing presentation.

In the old days if you were going to market your network
business opportunity
that meant making a list of everyone you
knew. You were taught to really dig deep and make the longest
list you could think of. This would include a special list
called your chicken list which would be the most successful
people you knew, but were afraid to contact.

Then you would pick up the phone and invite them to an
opportunity meeting to listen to an expert stand up and tell
everyone about the opportunity to start a business of their own
in network marketing. This was not a bad system except for one
thing. It really did not work because most people were afraind
to pick up the phone and start making calls.

Tip! Use your products regularly. This is Number 1 for a reason, this is the most ignored part of ANY network marketing business.

The days of this type of a system are over. Unless that is the
way you want to do it. The reason so many people are making
money in network marketing today starts with how easy it is to
present the business opportunity to people you do not know. That
is not to say you can't make a list of people you know and
contact them. You can and you should.

But now it is as easy as inviting them to vist your website or
to listen to a conference call live or even a pre-recoreded
call. This type of prospecting takes away the fear factor and
allows your prospect to check out what you are doing in a casual

Tip! Create a large customer base. This is another largely ignored, yet very important, piece of your network marketing business.

Personally I like to hand out business cards with my website on
it and just ask them to take a look and if they are interested
give me a call. Anyone with a little ambition can do this. At you can get 250 free business cards and
personalize them with your name, address, phone number, email
address, and website address.

The other way to market your network business opportunity today
is to drive traffic to your website and let the company take
over from there. Most mlm companies today give you several of
your own websites with your i.d. number coded in the url itself.
They also have an email follow-up system in place that is
customized with your contact information in each email. The
purpose of having more than 1 website is you can refer your
prospects to different websites based on how well you know them.

Tip! Don't rush into network marketing. Look around and find a good company that suits you and your needs.

If you know someone well you might send them to one website that provides alot of information. If you are promoting on the
internet you would refer your prospect to a lead capture page
that requires them to fill out their name, phone, and email
address, before being sent to another website that is more of a
sales page on your business.

The information is then emailed to you for personal follow-up if
you like. In the meantime the company email follow-up system
kicks in and starts sending your prospect information emails
with your name in them designed to educate your prospect about
your company and products.

Tip! Some network marketing operators take the business reluctantly as if its status will not able to decline in time.

Handing out business cards and marketing your business on the
internet with websites and conference call makes it easier for
anyone to market a network marketing opportunity today. Easier
does mean easy. To make money with your own mlm business still
is going to require you to work. The beauty of how it is done
today, however, is that automation allows you to build you
business quicker and to present your opportunity to more people
than you ever could have in the past.

Jeff Schuman helps people start their own network marketing internet business. For free network marketing training, opportunities, and co-op advertising program visit his website here:

Two Important Steps to Network Marketing Success

By Mal Keenan

Tip! Work from the inside out. To succeed in network marketing it is imperative that you devote some time to self development.

How's your email inbox been lately? No doubt jammed packed with the latest, greatest offer promising to make you $1000s in a matter of days. Your only commitment comprises of simply signing on the dotted web page.

Sounds to good to be true, right? Well, one way to make good money online is by leveraging the efforts of others but one must be careful before jumping in with both feet.

It is important when comtemplating joining a network marketing program that two important things are in place.

Firstly, you MUST have a product that people will buy and that you could use yourself. After all if YOU can find a use for the product then chances are your prospects will be able to do so too.

Tip! Duplicate yourself. Network marketing is about leveraging yourself, reaching many more people, and selling many more products than you could possibly do on your own.

Too often I have joined network marketing companies and found that the product was sub-standard or worse still, the product came a far off second to the compensation plan, setting the company up with the possibility of being labled a "pyramid scheme".

Pyramid schemes focus on the exchange of money and recruitment - Sure enough it is important to signup others in order to grow out your team and increase your earnings but the product should not be so dubious that the company comes under the scrutiny of the law.

Tip! Avoid Network Marketing groups that offer commission-based compensation among distributors. There is a big possibility that it is an illegal pyramid.

You can find out more about pyramid schemes at the site below:

One program, that I became involved with recently, attracted me before I even knew I could make money from promoting it. Success University offers Self Improvement courses, which is a genre that I have always been interested in. So, making a monthly payment to improve my knowledge and earning power seemed a no brainer to me. The investment seemed small compared to what I could gain, that's without taking into consideration the money earned through promoting the product to others.

The above formula is just one way to check out whether the product is something that you can sell to others in good conscience.

Secondly, if you want to make money from your network marketing company with the least possible effort then you must look out for a GREAT compensation plan.

This folks is a no brainer - I have been a member of one particular network marketing program and in spite of the presence of a great product AND personally recruiting hundreds or thousands of members, the monthly payout was comparatively very low. The compensation plan did not significantly reward me for my efforts and subsequently I have lost interest in continuing apace. I would much rather expend the same amount of effort for greater gains.

Tip! After giving a complete network marketing presentation to a prospect, you discover that he/she was never qualified to begin with. He was irrational, illogical, unmotivated and didn't have two dimes to rub together.

When perusing the compensation plan ask yourself - Can I start earning with the least amount of effort and more importantly will my income grow exponentially through the time and efforts of both myself and those on my team?

You may also want to find out how others are earning by searching the online forums. People love to boast and if the money is being earned then you'll hear about it.

Keep in mind the couple of points above when choosing a company to put your weight behind and you won't go too far wrong.

Tip! Use your products regularly. This is Number 1 for a reason, this is the most ignored part of ANY network marketing business.

Copyright 2006 Mal Keenan

Mal Keenan is editor and publisher of Home Business Tips Newsletter.
Visit his work at home jobs and opportunities website for more ideas, articles and resources PLUS your free 30 page home business success e-book. For a company that offers a UNIQUE, HIGHLY Rewarding compensation plan and Top Class product check out: